Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Man fits for Seasons

despite extraordinary life

Overhere, today we are talking about known person Monsignor Francis Friedl, of Dubuque, He has written nine books, offered spiritual guidance on ocean voyages, visited a place of miracles and made lifelong friends wherever he has gone.

his age is now 91 year he examine his long life- the recipient of the 2008 TH First Citizen Award -- remains humble and self-effacing.

"He's known as a wonderful lecture or speech," said Joyce Honkamp, . "He has a list of people who want him to preach at their funerals."

Friedl's reputation for energetic, on-target preaching led him to co-author a book, "Homilies Alive: Creating Homilies that Hit Home" in 1994. It is one of nine books he has written since 1990 on topics as diverse as Loras College history and stories about famous Dubuque citizens

"Homilies Alive": Creating Homilies that Hit Home" in 1994. It is one of 9th books he has written since 1990 on topics as diverse as Lora's College history and stories about famous Dubuque citizens. Honkamp's favorite is "Extraordinary Lives," which chronicles the lives of 34 priests."It tells fascinating stories about religious vocations from all walks of life," she said. But Friedl's life is not only intertwined with Catholics, although he has been a priest for 65 years.

"He knows everyone in God's creation. He's a great man of God and as genuine as you would want to meet from any faith,"

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