Monday, October 27, 2008

Obama Campaign Has Blow By Jack And Joe

Vice president running mate Joe Biden (He is both the Democratic vice presidential nominee for the Noveber 2008 presidential electionand candidate for re-election in US Senate) and biggest critic of the war in Iraq Jack Murtha(Murtha is also best known for his calls for a withdrawal of American forces in IRAQ.), Barack Obama (presidential nominee of Democratic party) might come across as someone who needs to change parties before it’s too late. No I don’t mean change parties to become an Independent, I mean go to a different Hollywood party where Joe and Jack can’t find him until after the election is over.

If Joe and Jack cause too many problems for Obama, or if Bill Clinton gets caught with his pants down only a day away from election day, Obama might consider changing his name to Don Draper, because Don Draper is the kind of cool guy that could be President.
Being Don Draper beats Pat Finger in Butts.

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